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Birthdays were always a special day to Ty. He loved this day because it meant two things. One was ALL the attention at Nanny and Pawpaw’s and the other being ALL the cookie-cake he wanted. So, in Ty’s honor we proclaim today to be a SPECIAL day at The Ty Foundation. We honored our favorite blue-eyed baby boy by shining his light and spreading his love in our community.

There is no doubt that Ty is guiding us as we shine his light. We can only imagine he is smiling down on beaming with pride. This birthday the Ty Foundation stayed committed to honoring his legacy by supporting a school that loved, disciplined, encouraged, shaped his mind, strengthened his spirit, and created the foundation that Ty used to become a remarkable athlete. Ty was always one that enjoyed giving gifts more than getting them. He was happiest watching his family members open their gifts. So, in Ty fashion it is an honor to buy 40 new uniforms for The Perdido Football team. We want to encourage each of these boys to use these uniforms to be a light for Ty’s legacy. We hope this legacy gift motivates them to become the hardest workers in the classroom, on the field, and in the game of life. We pray these boys remember Ty each time they take the field and show up with the same effort, determination, and grit Ty exemplified every time he played a game.

· Pictured- Mr. Phillip Stewart- Perdido School Principal

· Coach Vincent Coley P.E. Teacher/ Perdido Football Team Coach.

Baldwin County High School

Ty would have been a senior this year. Ty would have loved an entire year dedicated to being the center of attention! Therefore, The Ty Foundation donated to the 2022 Senior Class in honor of Ty and his classmates that left this Earth too early.

Another special place to Ty at BCHS was the Tiger Den. Since his passing teachers have shared with his family his love for this special place on campus. When Ty would get out of class early you could find him here talking with the students or playing basketball with them during P.E. Our donation In honor of Ty’s beloved teach Mrs. Melanie Childress to The Tiger Den will allow Ty to still have a special place in this room that was so special to him.

· Pictured: Mrs. Melanie Childress- Intervention Teacher at Baldwin County High School

· Canyon Odom- Ty Foundation Member

· Harlee Boeschen- Ty’s beloved friend.

McKenzie Bryant- Senior Class President

Delta Elementary

The community of Delta will always hold a special place in the hearts The Ty Foundation. We wanted to honor of The Crossroads and White House Fire Department by donating to Delta Elementary School. These men and women were first on the scene the night Ty tragically left us. These rescue workers were there for hours and never left our side and they stood alongside us comforting us during the darkest night of our lives. These men and women are unsung heroes who volunteer their time to help others in need while risking their own lives every day. Thank you for your service and you will forever have a place in our hearts.

· Pictured: Canyon Odom- Ty Foundation Member

· Keri Shofner- Delta Elementary Principal.



Ty's Birthday August 2021: About
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